“… and to know Christ’s love that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” -Ephesians 3:19
It doesn’t matter if you’re at the beginning of your training or at the end of a big game. The need to refuel your body and mind is a never-ending cycle. The same is true for you as a follower of Christ. You need the spiritual fuel that brings a supernatural joy and hope that will overflow into every aspect of your life.
As Jesus was about to return to Heaven, the disciples also needed an increase in power and strength. They were unsure of how they would be able to fulfill the new purpose Jesus had just given them, but before He left, He promised the help of the Holy Spirit was on the way (Acts 1:8).
Less than two weeks later, the disciples were gathered in a place we now call “The Upper Room” where they were waiting and praying during a Jewish festival known as Pentecost. Found in Acts 2:1-13, an incredible miracle took place:
“Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and rested on each one of them. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (vv. 2-4).
The people outside represented many languages, but they could all understand what the disciples were saying. Peter then addressed the crowd with a bold, powerful message (Acts 2:14-41) that served as a testament to this new power from the Holy Spirit working in the lives of the disciples.
After the events of Pentecost, the believers began gathering every day in preparation for the calling that God placed on their lives (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).
Because they studied God’s Word, spent time in prayer and had fellowship together, the early church experienced rapid, substantial growth. Other amazing things also flowed out of their devotion to spiritual training.
As an athlete, you need a playbook or a game plan that will prepare you for competition. Not having clear instruction and guidance will lead to disastrous results.
The Bible is for the follower of Christ. The Bible is God’s sovereign Word, which contains all truth through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and everything you need to live for Him.
Just as you need physical and mental fuel for athletic performance, you need spiritual fuel to walk out God’s purpose for your life. Consistent communication with God draws you near to Him and brings peace and joy to your heart.
Studying God’s Word and spending time in prayer are two important ways you can refuel your spirit daily. Like personal training, you must do some individual hard work, but you’re not always expected to go at it alone. In fact, God has given you a community as another way to stay fueled for your new purpose in Christ.
The spiritual fuel of community was key to the early church’s survival. These believers had no one else to lean on. They were the cornerstones of a new faith and were about to experience persecution from all sides. They had to team up while still working toward the goal of telling the world the Good News of Jesus.
As you refuel in God’s joy and peace through Scripture, prayer and community, you are prepared to meet whatever challenge comes your way with wisdom and strength.
This is the focus: God refuels me with joy and hope that overflow into every aspect of my life.
“… and to know Christ’s love that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” -Ephesians 3:19
© 2002-2024 Fields of Faith is an FCA certified ministry program.