Fields of Faith Online Training Course
Designed with around 30 minutes of video-based content over 6 individual sections, FCA wants to prepare you with all you need to engage, equip and empower coaches and athletes to be disciples who make disciples through Fields of Faith!
Workshop Bundle
Gather your team to prepare for Fields of Faith. The new Fields of Faith Workshop Bundle includes a slide deck, leader guide, and participant guide to lead an effective 90-minute live workshop. Reach out to your local FCA staff for details.
E3 Overview Course
Every good coach has a clear game plan. Without it, they don’t stand a chance against their opponents. Jesus gave the Church a clear game plan to make disciples (see Mt. 28:19-20). But practically, how do we do that? What’s the first step in making disciples? This E3 Overview course provides a series of plays and strategies to help you execute God’s game plan. It is designed to point you to the words and ways of Jesus so you can learn how to make disciples.
Engage. Equip. Empower.
The E3 Playbook provides a series of plays and strategies to help you execute God’s game plan. It’s designed to point you to the words and ways of Jesus to help you make disciples. The E3 Playbook is comprised of three main sections: Engage, Equip, and Empower. Each section includes four biblical principles of discipleship multiplication, training and tools to help guide you on the disciple-making journey!
The FOUR is a simple, repeatable way for FCA staff, volunteers, coaches, and athletes to clearly communicate the Gospel.
Faith Response Tool
The Faith Response Tool is designed to provide a single, mobile solution to collect faith decisions and automatically provide follow up for coaches and athletes. The Faith Response Tool is an SMS texting system that will automatically send a series of short “first steps” videos to help coaches and athletes in their new life with Christ. Participants only have to send a text message to initiate the process.
Work with your local FCA staff to implement the Faith Response Tool.
If you're not using the Faith Response Tool, utilize the Response Card to manually capture decisions made during your event.
21 Days with God
Take a 21-day journey with Jesus through John’s eyewitness account and see where God leads you. In addition to the Gospel of John this resource also introduces the Discovery Bible Study method, presents the FOUR and provides access to additional resources for spiritual growth.
Program Slide Deck
If you use an audio/visual setup, use this new Program Slide Deck to display worship lyrics, speaker names, Scripture verses, The FOUR, the Faith Reponse Tool, and more!
Connect your athletes and attendees to FCA Huddles after your Fields of Faith.
A Huddle is an FCA certified ministry program where two or more coaches or athletes meet on a regular basis to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. Huddles take a variety of forms, but their function should always be the same. Whether big or small; a single team or multiple teams and sports; one thing remains true for every Huddle. Huddles are about God’s People gathering around God’s Word to be transformed by God’s Spirit.
Help athletes take a next step in their discipleship journeys!
Church Partnerships
Connecting athletes and attendees to local churches is vital to the follow-up strategy for your Fields of Faith. While many opportunities exist for you to partner with local churches, here are a few examples.
Social media templates
NOTE: Work with your local FCA staff to get access to these.
Customizable print templates
NOTE: Work with your local FCA staff to get access to these.
© 2002-2024 Fields of Faith is an FCA certified ministry program.