Because of your influence, the Kingdom of God is advancing to create a disciple-making movement in your community. These movements are happening worldwide as leaders across the globe are stepping up to host a Fields of Faith.
If there’s ever been a time to set the stage for God to transform lives, that time is now.
If you’re an athlete, coach, or volunteer looking to lead a Fields of Faith, here’s how to start.
If you’re not already connected with your local FCA staff, then start by contacting them to express your interest in leading a Fields of Faith in your community.
Get trained up with the all-new Fields of Faith Training Online Course. Designed with around 30 minutes of video-based training, this course will provide you with the tools to lead a Fields of Faith.
You also need to gather with other athletes, coaches, and volunteers to pray, plan, and prepare for your event. Utilize the all-new Workshop Bundle to host a 90-minute in-person gathering to prepare your team. Reach out to your local FCA staff for details.
List your field to get it officially locked in. This is where you will provide all the details for your Fields of Faith event.
After your event concludes, finish by submitting the final reporting form to celebrate the impact!
© 2002-2024 Fields of Faith is an FCA certified ministry program.